Rise up Australia in 2020 is now a Advocacy group same values
Graham Healy Your INDEPENDANT VOICE & Advocate

United Australia party "Tucker Carlson" Summery video by GH
Skynews.com.au interview with
prof Daglish re Covid responce

Dr Peter McCullough Globally recognized cardiologist and expert on covid treatments Zoom link with Dylan Oakley Sunday 23 July 23
PragerU is a conservative judeo-Christian not for profit organization in USA, it is about re-educating peoples views in the big picture on globalization and nationalism or patriotism and how to find the balance between the 'Global elites' and the 'middle income workers' whose
small business,manufacturing Job or family farm is being sacrificed on the 'altar of globalism' .
Australia is at the cross roads in 2019.
please educate yourself on the BIG PICTURE by watching these 5 minute videos
Highly recommended
Graham Healy
IWhat is Prager University all about?
We take the best ideas from the best minds and distill them down to five focused minutes
We then add graphics and animation to create the most persuasive, entertaining, and educational case possible for the values that have made America and the West the source of so much liberty and wealth.
These values are Judeo-Christian at their core and include the concepts of freedom of speech, a free press, free markets and a strong military to protect and project those values.
Is the European Union good for Europe?
Or would Europeans be better off without it?
Nigel Farage a leader of the United Kingdom's Brexit movement, shares his view
Nobel laureate Ivar Giaever's speech at the Nobel Laureates meeting 1st July 2015. Ivar points out the mistakes which Obama makes in his speeches about global warming, and shares other not-well known facts about the state of the climate.I'm a paragraph.
Professor Ivar Giawver calls Global warming a "pseudo-science" totally devoid of scientific empirical evidence to back up the ridiculous claims
The last 150 years there is .8 degree K Calvin (that's right point .8 K)
(of the recorded official records)
Yep its lies alright, follow the money trail to the Tuth.
no question Al Gore is a global con man
(regarding Climate Change agenda) and not a qualified scientist
Graham Healy
Richard Lindzen, an MIT atmospheric physicist
and one of the world's leading climatologists, summarizes the science behind climate change.

Lawyer Lara Hall

Nasser Hussein
Oct 2018 Australia a female lawyer Lara Hall was - Raped, Tortured and Imprisoned.
"groomed" by a Pakistani Muslim family in Melbourne Australia she the visited the family in Pakistan and was held as a prisoner and sex slave against her will and the whole Muslim family was complicit in this crime(now a legal case is being formulated in Australia) the story detailed the dangers described in the above video which is the overview of fundamental Islam in Pakistan .
Also Rise Up Australia hosted the above testimony plus another Victim,
Muslim convert to Christianity Nasser Hussein's Real life testimony of Isolation, beatings etc, by family and fellow Muslims, in the UK.
Attached is the full story.
Rise Up Australia and Keep Australia Great.
Nasser a victim of Sharia Law "the death sentence " for leaving Fundamental Islam in London UK !
A British born (with Pakistani immigrant Muslim parents) male victim converted to Christianity and IN LONDON UK
(not Pakistani or the middle east) He and his family under death threat for 18 years and the Local police would not do anything about it .
The DANGERS of fundamental Islam all over the world is REAL and it is absolutely not compatible with western democracy