Rise up Australia in 2020 is now a Advocacy group same values
Graham Healy Your INDEPENDANT VOICE & Advocate

United Australia party "Tucker Carlson" Summery video by GH
Skynews.com.au interview with
prof Daglish re Covid responce

Dr Peter McCullough Globally recognized cardiologist and expert on covid treatments Zoom link with Dylan Oakley Sunday 23 July 23

Leslie Harris
Second Senate Candidate for Northern Territory

Leslie harris born winton Qld 1962 spoke three aboriginal dialects as young child but had that sorted by time in school in South Australia Renmark.
Leslie has heart for the first nations people mix cultures taipilthringuda inaminka tribe SA pulpramudramudra Queensland and nirripi Queensland tribes also Irish, French, Scottish.
Leslie has fought for family's native title lands water holes and my sons and daughter and ten grand children have always been a great support through out past twenty two years as was all my extended families Gutties, Roes, ,Pattersons and others for native title .
At present Leslie is sitting on advisory panel for national parks South Australia and also sub board of yandruwandha yawarrawarrka .|
Leslie is the son of Terrance Patrick Harris and Shirley Mary Teresa Kirwan.
The town Loxton in South Australia was founded by my fathers clan I descend from two kings palpramudramudra and nirripi , plus thiapilthringuda tribe kings from barrihoola on the kinnipappa or Coopers creek Queensland all the way down to the sand hills of coongi lakes as it is called today in South Australia this would be over a million square acres of land and waters.
Leslie's passions are:
Cooking, Music, Guitar, Piano and Drums ,Singing and writing songs, hunting, fishing, traveling over seas.
Leslie loves working with young Australians and a 'fair go' protecting the young ones.
"Steak on the plate mate" "not pie in the sky" Leslie is a practical "hands on person".
Leslie Joined Rise up Australia because he believes in putting Australia first.
No new laws in Australia, Shariah law is for those that want to be in bondage from over seas in other countries,(especially the Middle east) states Leslie. We have westminster common law which encompasses indigenous law as well , so we can not have another law such as Shariah law that not only perverts our Australian law and also destroys sovereign God given rights of people, by freely murdering, raping and rioting destruction of properties and innocent people who appose this ideology , it (fundamental Islam) has no place in Australia.
The respect indigenous peoples law and customs(in harmony with Commonwealth law) is the Australian way of life, and if immigrants don't like it, or don't assimilate,or don't wish to fit in under these 'laws of Australia' then I suggest they don't come to Australia, we do not need any outside ethnic community disrespecting the laws of Australia as we are one nation under one Flag and one constitution.
Leslie Harris I have know for over 25 years
and I have met his full blood Aboriginal relations (Uncle jack) and I have know Leslie's mother
Shirley for 25 years as well .
Leslie has the 'God given ability' to bridge 'the Gap' between indigenous First nations people and mainstream Australians, he is an excellent bushman and leaned a lot from his indigenous heritage.
Myself and Leslie have had many conversations on how to make a better Australia with
'all Australian Citizens' under one banner.
There is a 'rich Aboriginal culture' that can benefit all Australians and with more First nations peoples being represented in the Senate, Rise Up Australia Party believes in a Cultural representative balance in the governance of Australia.
Leslie Harris is also a 'big vision' person who believes the way to empower all Australians is by creating small community based business, lower taxes, and create some big infrastructure programs like the Bradfield Irrigation scheme, of course this done in harmony with the indigenous peoples so
that everybody benefits and there is respect to the land and the
'God appointed guardians of this land 'the Aboriginal Peoples
Graham Healy