Rise up Australia in 2020 is now a Advocacy group same values
Graham Healy Your INDEPENDANT VOICE & Advocate

United Australia party "Tucker Carlson" Summery video by GH
Skynews.com.au interview with
prof Daglish re Covid responce

Dr Peter McCullough Globally recognized cardiologist and expert on covid treatments Zoom link with Dylan Oakley Sunday 23 July 23
Not Anti-Vax just Ant-stupidity

Re-Educate Yourself and de-program
From the misinformation and propaganda perpetuated by the Federal and State Governments NONE OF WHICH is based on real science but an agenda or script written by big pharma (Pfizer) to sell their experimental mrna drugs and....
Link to Graham Healy's HEALY REPORT ON RUMBLE
Here I have brought forward the key references elements with the ongoing story of deception and lies by the federal and state Governments who claim to "be keeping citizens safe" while they implement UN global control through the one world order principals you don't have to be a "conspiracy theorist" to figure out SOMETHING IS GOING TERRIBLY WRONG HERE and its according to a well orchestrated GLOBAL PLAN . This has a EXTREMELY EVIL AJENDA that is aimed as stripping all sovereign rights from individuals and countries to one big central control through the United Nations et al.
The Plan-demic /scam-demic was the "smoke screen" to bring in this plan with a DIVERSION if you like.
Only trouble is that THE TRUTH IS OUT and the citizens have WOKEN UP to this deceptive planning basically causing MASS PSYCHOSIS .
How easily people are manipulated through FEAR especially FEAR OF A DEADLY VIRUS ?
(that is totally unfounded now the hard data globally is in as of Feb 2022)
The Solution ?
But not the Global UN Stop Reset but a re-set of the sovereign rights of citizens and countries.
The Attempt to turn the World into a GLOBAL COMMUNIST STATE IS FAILING
and we are all (the Resistance) are on the RIGHT SIDE OF HISTORY
and our children and future generations will look back on this EVENT in the history books.
Graham Healy

The data is now in THE SCAM EXPOSED FOR ALL TO SEE litigation is coming by way of criminal malfeasance
Graham Healy
Med Science degree

Now the ABS STATS ARE OUT 83 Deaths in 2 years from Corona Virus (Without co-morbities) "
YES 41.5 deaths per year !!!! (reference)
*Tyranny and communist forced OVEREACH based on ZERO CREDIBLE MEDICAL DATA
*755 deaths post Injection in 2021 verses only 58 deaths post all credible vaccinations in Australia since 1971 (50 years) and over 1 million adverse reactions (adjusted for under reporting)

The prophetic is for everyone, and the Bible says it plainly in John 10:27, “My sheep hear my voice.” This book promises Tomi’s practical insights, and it answers questions every sincere believer will come to ask:
• How do I separate God’s voice from my voice?
• How do I minister to others?
• How do I mature in this anointing?
• How do I restore the prophetic in my church?
Tomi Arayomi has been called on by heads of state, monarchs and queens for his apostolic and prophetic anointing. He says we must learn to live prophetically because that is how God gets things done.
God wants good communication with every believer, and in Tomi’s 3-CD/audio series, Living Prophetically, he will share with you:
• How prophets pray
• How to discern God’s voice and the presence of the Holy Spirit
• How to wage good warfare
• How to seek the Lord and know you’ll find Him
Tomi says leave the agenda to God! He will direct you.
▶▶Eat, Sleep, Prophesy, Repeat & Living Prophetically [Book & CDs]: https://bit.ly/3JExMoQ
▶▶Eat, Sleep, Prophesy, Repeat & Living Prophetically [Digital Download]: https://bit.ly/3rZ6L9s
ORDER THIS EPISODE ON DVD - https://bit.ly/3gVhOtV
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Copyright Sid Roth's It's Supernatural! 2022
#SidRoth #Jesus #TomiArayomi

The Greatest Friend You live on in my heart forever Herman
Love you mate !
Graham Healy
Link below to my Tribute to herman

Peter Manuel of FLAG (food producers Landowners Action Group) is a major sponsor contributor. the cost per ticket is $100 (includes all you can eat yum cha style ) (includes vegan options) banquet .(not including drinks ) .
the Proceeds from the dinner will go directly to Dr Bay . (after dinner cost is deducted of $45 per head) the balance is donated to the cause.
One man is challenging the corrupted bureaucrats in AHPRA let's get behind Dr Bay in his quest for Justice and together "WE WILL WIN ! " host Graham Healy my assistant on the night will be the lovely Kimberley.

click link for Robert F F Kennedy Jnr full historical overview

— Tucker Carlson
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s meticulously researched and rigorously sourced analysis leads readers on a staggering journey through the history of bioweapons that will equip citizens of the world with the vital information needed to prevent another global pandemic.
The key enablers and henchmen pushing for gain-of-function research.
The economic motives behind gain-of-function research.
Successfully engineered “chimeric viruses” that can infect and kill humans.
The coordinated effort to silence speculation of COVID-19’s laboratory genesis.
The complicity of scientific journals to hide the origins of COVID-19.
The role of the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China’s biowarfare/biodefense program.
The relationships between U.S. health, military, and intelligence bureaucracies and scientists and their Chinese counterparts.
The roles of Bill Gates and Sir Jeremy Farrar in orchestrating a global cover-up.
“The Wuhan Cover-Up” unveils a global conspiracy of epic proportion and lethal consequence.
This book is a must-read for all historians, activists, journalists and citizens who wish to preserve our freedoms.

EXTRA DEATHS 33,287 (Australia Jan 22-june 2023) ABS figures
analysed by Sharon Cousins interview by Graham Healy
(The mrna injections in Australia over the last 3 years are responsible for massive increase in excess deaths (no other explanation) the full pdf files are available for this analysis where Sharon cousins explains every detail and how these mrna injections were never safe or effective and how the common influenzas "disappeared' over the last 3 years WHY ? well the so called Australian health 'experts' DID NOT TEST FOR IT ! in fact the Covid figures mortality was so low they combined the influenzas figures with covid figures to make it look inflated more then it really was to justify themselves..(fudged the figures)
as a comparison about 909 deaths in 2020 supposedly with coved.
in 2017 in Australia there was 4,268 deaths due to influenza and pneumonia .
Not a Pandemic but a Plan-Demic , and the banning of ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine as an early treatment for covid was nothing short of criminal , in fact the whole jab roll out was a money making exercise for big pharma

When the Covid-19 vaccine was rolled out, mandates put in place and the PR machine cranked into top gear, we were told the vaccine was "safe and effective" and there would be "no surprises around the corner" regarding side effects as they were all known to the manufacturers.
On page 21 of this contract (download here) between Pfizer and the South African government, point 5.5 states the following: "Purchaser further acknowledges that the long-term effects and efficacy of the Vaccine are not currently known and that there my be adverse effects of the Vaccine that are not currently known".
If the Australian government signed a contract with the same disclaimer/clause, then they, and all the state premiers who mandated the vaccine, have knowingly lied to the Australian people.
Not only that, they used the ABC and other media outlets to spread their misinformation and vilify anyone with a contrary opinion. Then there was the pressure put on social media channels to censor anyone questioning the vaccine.
We say a Royal Commission is needed now to find out who knew what, and when.
United Australia Party Senator Ralph Babet, continues to lead the charge in parliament. Yesterday, he put Minister for Finance Katy Gallagher on the spot on this issue.

The action is on behalf of people who have been injured by a Covid-19 vaccination. Its aim is to recover compensation for injuries obtained as a result of taking one or more Covid-19 vaccines.
It is alleged that the Respondents’ actions to advance acceptance and use of the various approved Covid-19 vaccines constitutes negligence and/or misfeasance.
It is further alleged that such negligence/misfeasance caused class action members to suffer loss or damage, such as:
Personal injury
Health care expenses
Additional out-of-pocket expenses
Economic loss
The need for gratuitous care and, additionally or alternatively, commercial care; and/or
Non-economic loss.
CLICK HERE to read the action's Statement of Claim.
If you would like to donate to the class action you can do so HERE.
To read more about the class action, CLICK HERE.
We will continue to pursue the truth. Those responsible cannot hide forever.
All the best,
Clive Palmer

GGraham Healy

Aug 21, 2023
FDA explicitly recognizes that doctors do have the authority to prescribe ivermectin to treat COVID
Department of Justice lawyer representing the FDA
Circuit Judge Jennifer Walker Elrod
Ashley Cheung Honold
During oral arguments on Aug. 8, 2023 in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit.
“FDA is clearly acknowledging that doctors have the authority to prescribe human ivermectin to treat COVID.
So they are not interfering with the authority of doctors to prescribe drugs or to practice medicine,”
Three doctors
Lawsuit filed by Boyden Gray & Associates on behalf of three doctors who were disciplined for prescribing human-grade ivermectin to patients.
FDA had violated well-established law that allows doctors to prescribe an FDA-approved drug as an off-label treatment.
FDA "has unlawfully taken formal, unequivocal, and conclusory actions to prohibit or otherwise interfere with the use of ivermectin to treat COVID-19,"
The FDA "cannot advise whether or for what purpose a doctor should prescribe, or a patient should take, an approved drug,"
Ivermectin approved by FDA in 1966
Case rejected late 2022
Not surprising its horse medicine
At the appeal
What about when it said, ‘No, stop it’?”
(Circuit Judge Jennifer Walker Elrod)
“Why isn’t that a command? If you were in English class, they would say that was a command.”
Ms. Honold described the statements as “merely quips.”
Is it horse and cow medicine?
‘more than 2.5 billion human (2,500,000,000) doses distributed in the last 30 years’
On the WHO list of essential medicines
Emergency Use Authorization of Medical Products and Related Authorities
d. No Alternatives
For FDA to issue an EUA, there must be no adequate, approved, and available alternative to the candidate product for diagnosing, preventing, or treating the disease or condition.
A potential alternative product may be considered “unavailable” if there are insufficient supplies of the approved alternative to fully meet the emergency need.
Treatment misinformation:
We do not allow content that promotes information that contradicts health authority guidance on treatments for specific health conditions,
including promotion of specific harmful substances or practices that have not been approved by local health authorities or the World Health Organization as safe or effective,
or that have been confirmed to cause severe harm.

Rapper Zuby, in a very well-delivered address in 2022 at CPAC, observed that most politicians don't care if people die—and he is correct. Most politicians don't care if people die.
There's no royal commission. There's no Senate inquiry. There's no access to contracts—they're commercial-in-confidence we're told. Years after they were signed, they're still commercial-in-confidence. Taxpayers paid for the injections, yet we cannot see what we paid for. We can't even see how much we paid. Censorship. What are they hiding?
Bill Gates paid for censorship in the mouthpiece Big Brother media that is often owned by the same people who own Pfizer. Bill Gates paid for censorship across social media. Gates is an investor in big pharma—a massive investor in big pharma—and a massive contributor to the World Health Organization, the UN's World Health Organization.
I hold the whole Senate accountable, apart from six senators withstanding the catcalls.
At last Thursday's Senate inquiry into anti-discrimination bills—one of which was moved by Senator Hanson and another one by Senator Canavan, Senator Antic and Senator Rennick—four of the five senators grilling Pfizer, Moderna and the TGA were from Queensland. Four, plus Senator Antic. Pfizer did not know where to go.
Clearly Pfizer, Moderna and the TGA all disgraced themselves and showed themselves to be inhuman. Clearly none feel accountable for the deaths, the chronic and crippling injuries, the severe injuries—not federal government or its health departments, not the state premiers or their health departments, not employers mandating injections. No-one takes accountability.
We will chase you until you are held accountable.
Transcript: https://www.malcolmrobertsqld.com.au/...

WA government study
The number of AEFI reported to WAVSS was significantly higher in 2021 than in previous years (10,726 compared with an average of 276
(= x 38 times more adverse reactions then average !) GH
per year for the 2017-2020 period) due to the introduction of the COVID-19 vaccination program. To allow comparison of AEFI numbers to previous years, Figure 2 presents all AEFI reported to WAVSS for persons vaccinated in 2021, and Figure 3 excludes adverse events following COVID-19 vaccination. The high number of reports in 2021 following COVID-19 vaccination reflects higher uptake of COVID-19 vaccination, and high engagement from the public and health care providers with the monitoring of vaccine safety.
below on link

President Joe Biden has ordered US intelligence agencies to further investigate the origins of COVID-19. Clearly, the US government isn't decided on what really happened at the start of the pandemic. Was it truly a animal to human transmission to be blamed on a bat in a Wuhan, China wet market? Or was a much more sinister plan at work?
In 2020, Dr. Richard M. Fleming began investigating SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19. Using both his "Inflammation" Theory and Patent (FMTVDM; the first method capable of measuring regional blood flow and metabolic changes occurring inside the body, which makes it possible to accurately determine what is happening inside the body as well as whether treatments prescribed for patients are working or not), he investigated COVID treatments. Simultaneously he began investigating the origins of COVID-19. This book details much of what he has found.
What he discovered will shock you.
By 1999, US Federal Agencies began funding Gain-of-Function research. Research that by its very nature is designed to increase the ability of pathogens to infect and harm people. In 2019, one of those pathogens was intentionally released upon the world in the Wuhan Wet Market. The key to proving and understanding this bioweapon is its spike protein. The very same spike protein now being made in millions of people after the COVID vaccines are injected into them. These vaccines are nothing more than the genetic code of this bioweapon. This book traces the publication and money trail of COVID-19; showing who is ultimately criminally responsible for the design and development of this weapon, which violates the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) Treaty, exposing those who have committed crimes against humanity. Dr. Fleming will reveal the ultimate conspiracy: one that puts the future of the entire world at stake.

As director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), Dr. Anthony Fauci dispenses $6.1 billion in annual taxpayer-provided funding for rigged scientific research, allowing him to dictate the subject, content, and outcome of scientific health research across the globe—truly a dark agenda. Fauci uses the financial clout at his disposal in a back handed manner to wield extraordinary influence over hospitals, universities, journals, and thousands of influential doctors and scientists—whose careers and institutions he has the power to ruin, advance, or reward in an authoritarian manner.
During more than a year of painstaking and meticulous research on his laptop and through interviews, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. unearthed a shocking story that obliterates media spin on Dr. Fauci . . . and that will alarm every American—Democrat or Republican—who cares about democracy, our Constitution, and the future of our children’s health.
The Real Anthony Fauci reveals how “America’s Doctor” launched his career during the early AIDS crisis by partnering with pharmaceutical companies to sabotage safe and effective off-patent therapeutic treatments for AIDS. Fauci orchestrated fraudulent do-nothing studies, and then pressured US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulators into approving a deadly chemotherapy treatment he had good reason to know was worthless against AIDS. Fauci did the unthinkable and repeatedly violated federal laws to allow his Pharma partners to use impoverished and dark-skinned children as lab rats in beyond order, deadly experiments with toxic AIDS and cancer chemotherapies.
In early 2000, Fauci shook hands with Bill Gates in the library of Gates’ $147 million Seattle mansion, cementing a partnership that would aim to control an increasingly profitable $60 billion global vaccine enterprise with unlimited growth potential. Through funding leverage and carefully cultivated personal relationships with heads of state and leading media and social media institutions, the Pharma-Fauci-Gates alliance exercises dominion over global health policy and our beautiful country.
This is not just another political book. The Real Anthony Fauci details how Fauci, Gates, and their cohorts use their control of media outlets—both conservative and liberal leaning, scientific journals, key government and quasi-governmental agencies, global intelligence agencies, and influential scientists and physicians to flood the public with fearful propaganda about COVID-19 virulence and pathogenesis, and to muzzle debate and ruthlessly censor dissent.

Halfway through the year and deaths are just shy of 90,000. At this rate deaths are on track to reach around 182,000 (more days and winter months in second half) which is well up on the 164,800 in 2019.
Adjusted for population growth which was just 25.3 million in 2019 this still means that deaths are on track to be around 10,000 higher for 2023.
Obviously people will draw whatever conclusions they like but for me the extra 10,000 deaths in 2021, before Covid was in the community but after the vaccine rollout is strong evidence the vaccine is contributing to excess deaths. 👇 See less

2021 deaths jumped after the start of the vaccine rollout in April