Rise up Australia in 2020 is now a Advocacy group same values
Graham Healy Your INDEPENDANT VOICE & Advocate

United Australia party "Tucker Carlson" Summery video by GH
Skynews.com.au interview with
prof Daglish re Covid responce

Dr Peter McCullough Globally recognized cardiologist and expert on covid treatments Zoom link with Dylan Oakley Sunday 23 July 23
Multi-culturalism vs Multi-Ethnic ? Why ?
Multi (many) Cultures Or (Cults) verses Multi-Ethnics or a variety of Ethnic backgrounds
whats the essential difference ?
Put simply multiculturalism world wide has NOT WORKED ANYWHERE IN THE WESTERN WORLD !
especially when you introduce fundamental Islam into a western democracy that is completely opposite .
in Australia we have ONE CULTURE and that is Australia under the legal constitution
and we are made up of many citizens from different
But have come to Australia to be an Australian citizen
and accept the Law of the land and the constitution above all else as the protective umbrella
and that makes us all one nation under God.
Australia has a foundation of Judeo-Christian Values and our laws are based on the
10 Commandments of the Holy Bible.
and the words of Jesus Christ (the anointed one)
who came to for-fill the laws of Moses
(Mathew 5:17)
Jesus Christ is the Prince of peace
(Isiah 9:6)
and the old testament prophesied of his coming and what the old testament 'concealed' the new testament 'revealed'
accepting one rule of law and one constitution one culture (Australian)
The principals that 'bind us together ' are:
Peace, love, truth, integrity and free speech in a democratic society .
Unfortunately there are some 'ideologies'
that are contrary to 'freedom and peace' and fundamental Islam is one of them
communism is another good example of what will not work in a western democracy .
please watch the above video and make your own mind up what is morally correct and right or wrong.
Graham Healy

Rise Up Australia believes there is an important difference between being a ‘multi-ethnic nation with one culture’ and being a ‘multicultural nation’.
1. Multi Ethnic with One Culture vs. Multicultural
A ‘multi-ethnic nation with one culture’ means that we have a melting pot that draws its richness from a blend of many ethnic groups. These groups may introduce a diverse range of cultural elements from their homelands but they are assimilated into Australian society as a whole. They don’t try to override Australian cultural traditions but strive to merely complement them. A fine example of this is Melbourne’s famous Lygon Street in which all Australians, male or female, from all walks of life can enjoy the best of Italian cuisine and a cosmopolitan cafe culture.
The word, ‘multiculturalism’, has been misunderstood and misused. In contrast to a ‘multi-ethnic nation with one culture’, ‘multiculturalism’ by its very nature fosters the setting up of exclusive ethnic enclaves that create parallel societies. An example of this is in parts of some European cities in England and France where Muslim extremists have set up ‘no-go’ zones for non-Islamists under the real threat of violence.(1) These areas function as microstates that are a law unto themselves—and in many cases, under Sharia law—and they exclude and threaten non-Islamists.
As some social commentators have noted, these enclaves are the by-product of years of multicultural policies that have encouraged Muslim immigrants to remain segregated rather than become integrated into their host nations. People who have raised the alarm were accused of being fear mongers when they had legitimate concerns for the wider community that needed to be addressed.
2. Western Leaders Denounce Multiculturalism
The negative effects of multiculturalism in Europe have been widely reported. Multiculturalism has been denounced by many European Statesmen and women including German Chancellor Angel Merkel, British Prime Minister David Cameron, former Spanish Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar and former French Prime Minister Nicolas Sarkozy. These world leaders have warned other Western nations that multiculturalism has failed to deliver a harmonious society in their countries but instead fuelled the spread of ethnic enclaves and Muslim extremism.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel said her nation’s attempt to create a multicultural society had “utterly failed” (2) and that immigrants needed to do more to integrate.
British Prime Minister David Cameron denounced European-style multiculturalism, saying: “We have encouraged different cultures to live separate lives, apart from each other and apart from the mainstream. We’ve even tolerated these segregated communities behaving in ways that run completely counter to our values.”(3) In highlighting his concerns, he stated that the roots of violent Islamism were “deep” and could be found “in the extremist minority in every European city that preach hatred of the west and our way of life”.
France’s former President Nicolas Sarkozy and Spain’s former leader Jose Maria Aznar have agreed with Cameron and Merkel, that multiculturalism has failed. (4) (5) Mr Sarkozy condemned multiculturalism for fostering Muslim extremism. He told the French people: “We have been too concerned about the identity of the person who was arriving and not enough about the identity of the country that was receiving him.”
Rather than uniting the country under one flag, multiculturalism has had the completely opposite effect. It has actually divided their nations, and has let people build ethnic enclaves within their countries causing segregation rather than integration. Australia is a multi-ethnic country comprising, many races, many skin colours – but one culture – Australian!
3. Opposed to Dual Legal Systems (ie. Sharia Law)
Multiculturalism promotes the dangerous idea that we have to accept every person’s beliefs into our country at the expense of our own. Muslim extremists do not want to accept our laws but want to govern themselves by introducing Sharia Law into Australia. The Australian newspaper reported in May 2011 that the nation’s peak Muslim body, the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils, was “using the Gillard’s government re-embracing of multiculturalism to push for the introduction of sharia law in Australia”.(6)
Practices consistent with sharia law, unsanctioned by the government, have already crept into Australia. ABC News reported in June 2013 that one man was jailed and another three given good behaviour bonds in Sydney for giving another man 40 lashes as a sharia law punishment for drinking alcohol. (7)
Rise Up Australia Party is totally opposed to the introduction of Sharia law in Australia – it is incompatible with our democracy and in particular curtails the civil rights and freedoms of women. To clarify, we love the Muslim people but oppose their texts (Quran/Koran) and Islamic doctrine and ideology because it is oppressive and incompatible with the Australian way of life. We stand robustly on the foundation of our Judeo-Christian heritage, which includes the Ten Commandments, the Sermon on the Mount, the 1215 Magna Carta and the 1688 Bill of Rights.