“Crazy how quickly I went from a super healthy 19yr old kid who’s never had any form of health issues ever. Working a full time job, training, and riding horses everyday. To having it all taken away from me after my second Pfizer vaccination. My lungs are full of blood clots & hearts under stress. My new normal of now having a pulmonologist dr, cardiologist dr, blood tests, full body scans, ultra sounds on my heart & lungs. Over a vaccination I got to do the right thing- & I never wanted to get because I was genuinely scared of running the risk. I wish I had never gotten it & I could have my healthy body back.
Cienna Knowles
Whilst all the politicians and my bosses are having a nice evening at home or out with their families. I'm in hospital having a 6 hour Potassium infusion! Trying hard to find the positives tonight, but really struggling!
Chantal Uren
I finally decided to go to the hospital and whilst I sat there after I’d been triaged 10 people came in in the space of around 20 minutes and EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM had the exact same symptoms as me and all had had doses of Pfizer. I could hear each conversation crystal clear so I’m just relaying what I heard. One guy had been in two weeks ago after his first jab and had been referred to a cardiologist and was back again with the same pains in his chest he was 20
“This is my daughter Faith.
Earlier this year (she’s 16) but 10 weeks ago she had her second Pfizer jab and within a week she had excruciating abdominal pain and hospital stays , I asked and asked about the injections and was told it couldn’t be that , she even had her appendix out! Still no better.
We are now 10 weeks on and she hasn’t been able to go to school and her work this whole time. She has always been very active.
They finally admitted last week that it was the jab.
Here is another bit of TRUTH you can all GOOGLE for yourselves before trusting too many
Politicians, Just saying... Here’s a brief glimpse of Pfizer’s track record for safety and ethics.

My father Bert Healy former Queensland Boxing champ passed away this week
at 93 years young (Friday 15 October 2021) . He was jabbed with the Pfizer Mrna Spike Protein (he was suppose to be vaccinated with AstraZeneca for those over 60 years old) within 5 days after the Pfizer 'jab' he rapidly deteriorated and died 5 days later. he had no serious co-morbities and was otherwise physically healthy . There is no doubt that Dad's death was accelerated by this 'experimental drug as it is with so many others in his situation and at 93 he didn't need any 'protection' from anything except those 'pushing the jab'.(their day in court is coming soon).
In Norway 33 elderly die after the Pfizer jab of course 'authorities' never blame a replicating 'experimental spike protein' never been used on humans before !
(similar cover-up during the thalidomide cover up that deformed a generation of children, view the documentary here History is going to repeat itself with the Pfizer mrna experimental drug (your the experiment) and the time clock is ticking and the adverse events are accumulating that Dr. Death-Fauci is orchestrating the same game plan he did for the aids 100,000 deaths (AZT chemo tabs)
This has ZERO to do with your health
but financial gain and political control by big pharma.
Below is the letter I sent to the chief medical officer (address withheld)
I'm still waiting for an answer .
Above Video is the most important summery of Covid and all the treatments , ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, the delta variant and why the vaccines aren't working .
Craig Backmam resigns
from Victoria Police
chick above to
see WHY ?
Scott Morrison says "Vaccines not compulsory"
Craig Kelly tables in parliment regarding Dr. Thoms Borody and the Ivermectin solution to covid
the reality is IVERMECTIN is the CURE.
Professor Sucharit Bhakdi MD
Author of dangers of Mrna spike protein
Dr Juergen Ude has a certificate in applied chemistry, a degree in applied science majoring in statistics and operations research as top student, a masters in economics with high distinctions in every subject, and a PhD in computer modelling and algorithms. He has lectured at Monash University on subjects of data analysis, computer modelling, and quality & reliability.
"a massive propergander campaign has been used by the Australian Government after the pandemic was over and now they are rolling out vacines that dont work ?"
Australian Professor Edward J.Steele Molecular & Cellular Immunologist Geneticist & microbiologists.
"the Vaccines don't work, are dangerous, untested, and God only knows what will happen in the Future"
More cases of the adverse reactions to the pfizer Jab (experimental mrna drug)
Adverse reactions Australia web site.
VARR - Report A Covid Vaccine Adverse Reaction To CMN
VARR is a passive reporting system, relying on individuals to send in reports of their experiences. Anyone can submit a report to CMN, including doctors, family and friends. Report your own vaccine injury or report on behalf of your entire family members.
All data collected will be treated confidentially.
Please share our registry with everyone you know and ask friends/family who have had a covid vaccine adverse reaction to report it to CMN.
IVERMECTIN drug antagonizing virus CORONAVIRUS. Used for the prevention, immunization and prophylactic
Hippcrates DO NO HARM
A Modern Version of the Hippocratic Oath
I swear to fulfill, to the best of my ability and judgment, this covenant:
I will respect the hard-won scientific gains of those physicians in whose steps I walk, and gladly share such knowledge as is mine with those who are to follow.
I will apply, for the benefit of the sick, all measures which are required, avoiding those twin traps of overtreatment and therapeutic nihilism.
I will remember that there is art to medicine as well as science, and that warmth, sympathy, and understanding may outweigh the surgeon's knife or the chemist's drug.
I will not be ashamed to say "I know not," nor will I fail to call in my colleagues when the skills of another are needed for a patient's recovery.
I will respect the privacy of my patients, for their problems are not disclosed to me that the world may know. Most especially must I tread with care in matters of life and death. If it is given me to save a life, all thanks. But it may also be within my power to take a life; this awesome responsibility must be faced with great humbleness and awareness of my own frailty. Above all, I must not play at God.
I will remember that I do not treat a fever chart, a cancerous growth, but a sick human being, whose illness may affect the person's family and economic stability. My responsibility includes these related problems, if I am to care adequately for the sick.
I will prevent disease whenever I can, for prevention is preferable to cure.
I will remember that I remain a member of society, with special obligations to all my fellow human beings, those sound of mind and body as well as the infirm.
If I do not violate this oath, may I enjoy life and art, respected while I live and remembered with affection thereafter. May I always act so as to preserve the finest traditions of my calling and may I long experience the joy of healing those who seek my help.
Death of Queenslander due VAX.jpg
I(Senator Rennick) posted about Caitlin’s tragic death a few weeks back. Given the circumstances of her passing there are strong grounds to take this matter further.
Unfortunately the page was set up prior to gofundme doing the dirty on the Canadian truckies.
Any support would be greatly appreciated by Caitlin’s mum Raelene.
“Caitlin Gotze was a 23 year old Racing Foreman. Fit, strong, healthy and vibrant. She became very ill after her second Pf jab and died at her work, on 17th November 2021. Help her family fight for truth and justice.
Your donation will be used to fund legal fees to fight for an inquest into the death of Caitlin.
It is hoped that some greater good will arise from her tragic passing.
Please note that all donations will be regularly deposited into the Trust Account of the Queensland law firm, that has been engaged to seek an inquest into Caitlins death.”
An update from Jamie (I’ve posted her story previously) who has gone blind in one eye from the vaccine.
If there is anyone out there experiencing similar symptoms could you please either reach out via the comments section or direct message me.
“3 months later from my one shot of Pfizer and my eyesight in my left eye has gone from blurry to near blindness at a rapid speed.
I have a had test and am seeing a eye specialist this friday.….I have been refused to see a specialist because I am one vaxxed…..that made me feel unclean being refused and left to go blind.. I hate how this condition is becoming worse..My speach is better but I have to talk slow and i have moments where i stutter and slur badly still.
4 months later I now have proof from an eye specialist that the Pfizer vaccine has made me go blind in one eye….The rapidness is incredible…I’m now semi resided to the fact….I do still need your help.
All we hear is the main common effects..This needs addressing…….It’s worthwhile.
The vaxx has left me so damaged I will now be left both mentally and physically disabled. I’m a photographer and a lover of seeing simple beauty.
That is my update.. I am now seeking others who are loosing or have lost there sight due to the covid vax. I do need to find others.
Can you help me.” See less
Sue Pfizer adverse reaction
From Sue who had to overcome a deal of pain to get this message out.
“Hi my name is Sue this is my story.
4 months ago I was told to get the jab for work not wanting it but needed it for work so went to doctors and without any questions from doctor sent me to nurse to get it done knowing full well I have guiltman disease.
Jack's story
started to feel better. On Tuesday afternoon, he had an MRI.
We received the results on Wednesday morning. Still a little bit of fluid around the heart, but no permanent damage or scarring. Enzymes had gone right down. Jack was so lucky!
Tanya Spiteri
I can not get up off my bed, I struggle to sit up in a chair! My body is tachycardic all the time and I’m in constant pain.
The doctors have put me on beta blockers to reduce the symptoms however they make me feel dizzy, lightheaded and just generally unwell
Adverse Reaction Janelle Crawford
Update from Janelle
“Morning senator
My name is Janelle crawford
I am a environmental working in aged care facility in Victoria
I had a reaction to the first Pfizer 10+ seizures and 3 weeks to recover but for my job and NSW health would not recognise the first reaction.
I had to have the second as it was mandated in age care.
20+ seizures where I stoped breathing was the start -that was the start of June
I’m and now on WorkCover as I’m and not able to work
I had to go into rehab to lean to walk and be self-sufficient again, so much more happened from vertigo, my heart -way to much to put here.
I have been told this might be it for me I’m still need physio to try and help get my balance back and other physio.
I am 46 and my life has been irreversibly damaged all thanks to something I should have been allowed to say no to the second one .
Thank you for your time”
The PFIZER Mrna Jab
“There is high level evidence indicating strong immunogenicity and vaccine efficacy against symptomatic COVID-19 in adolescents from clinical trials of Pfizer and Moderna.”
Source Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI)
Sadly, what ATAGI fails to mention is that a key article relied upon for this ‘independent’ advice was written by 26 industry insiders of whom:
a. 73% are employees of Pfizer/BioNTech;
b. 62% have stock and/or options in Pfizer/BioNTech; and
c. Two, are the CEO of BioNTech and his wife, the co-owners of the mRNA patents.
Also, on its jargon riddled website ATAGI does not say, or worse does not know, that:
1. In the UK for ages 0 to 19, between 01 March 2020 and 08 October 2021, the COVID-19 Survival Rate is 99.995%;
2. In the UK for ages 0 to 14, from 2014 to 2020, the death rate from influenza and other respiratory diseases is 3.5 times higher than it is from COVID-19;
3. In the US for ages 0 to 17, over the five years 2015 to 2019, there have been 9,724 adverse events against all influenza vaccines. While in the six months, April to September 2021, there have been 15,811 adverse events against Pfizer (BNT162b2) gene therapy alone.
4. In the US for ages 0 to 17, the risk multiple for deaths of Pfizer (BNT162b2) vs all other influenza vaccines is 6.5; and
5. In the US for ages 0 to 17, 55.3% of pericarditis and 51.3% of myocarditis cases have not recovered. The ‘long covid’ of covid vaccination.
It is clear that, for children and adolescents, COVID-19 poses a near insignificant threat. While COVID-19 vaccination is a certain, measurable, and unwarranted risk.
ATAGI goes on to say …
“Vaccinating adolescents is anticipated to contribute to a reduction in SARS-CoV-2 transmission in the broader population” and “there is some uncertainty regarding the relative contribution by adolescents to the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in the wider community”
It is clear that ATAGI is trading the future health of children and adolescents for the anticipated (but unlikely) benefit of lower case numbers amongst today’s adults.
This can only be characterised as intergenerational theft!
A fact-based overview and risk assessment of childhood and adolescent COVID-19 vaccination, not written or funded by big pharma, is attached.
Kind regards,
A thoughtful and concerned citizen
Dedicated to my mother, to the 1,577 adults and young Australian victims of this disease, to those who suffered and continue to suffer; abandoned by our medical bureaucracy.
Talija Raffone
Talija RaffoneSpecial Event: Live interview with a vaccine victim
One on one interview with Talija Raffone (known as Nat) about her severe adverse reactions.
Doctors cannot give exemption to second dose and now she must take it up with the medical board.
Here is her TikTok account so you can see her before and afters.
If you would like to support Nat in anyway please contact her or please help her finance her recovery here
Live with Tami Jane. To help Tami Jane to continue to bring you live and exclusive content please support her work at
Dr John Skerritt
The really good news with this Delta variant, even though it seems to be very transmissible, is that it's able to be vaccinated against — but you do really need two doses to have protection”
Dr. John Skerritt (head TGA)
We’re certainly not implying Dr. Skerritt intentionally misled the Australian Senate, so perhaps he would kindly and publicly clarify the following contradictions to the statement above; all based on the UK vaccination program which is largely being emulated here in Australia.
1. In the UK between February and June 2021 for age group 50+, the risk of death from the Delta variant is 2.5 times higher for a person fully vaccinated than for a person who has received only one shot. (Source)
2. In England, from 01 May to 31 July 2021 there have been 8,152 hospitalisations in age groups 65-84 and 85+ where ‘full vaccination’ levels are 96% and 92% respectively. (Source)
3. In England, from 01 May to 28 July 2021, 96% of all deaths (i.e. 1,469) have been in age groups 40-59, 60-79, and 80+ where ‘full vaccination’ levels are 92%, 98%, and 95% respectively. (Source)
4. In England, from 01 May to 01 August 2021, daily hospital bed occupancy has increased by 375% (1,071 to 5,090) for all beds and by 360% (167 to 769) for ‘ventilation’ beds. (Source)
5. As of 04 August University College London (UCL) is estimating vaccine efficacy (largely based on AstraZeneca and Pfizer products) at preventing infection in the UK at 8%. (Source)
6. Given its large credible range, the risk of blood clots from the Pfizer (BNT162b2) gene therapy of 4.1 per million (credible range 1.1 to 14.9) may be no better than for the AstraZeneca (AZD1222) at 5.0 per million (credible range 4.3 to 5.8). (Source)
We feel it would be disingenuous to claim these hospitalisations and deaths (an epidemic of the vaccinated) are entirely attributable to the delta variant; while still claiming that the current crop of vaccines remain efficacious against the delta variant.
Police officer calls out the scam-demic
police officer calls out the scam-demic in Melbourne Australia
Senator Riddick
Senator Gerard Rennick rebukes PM Scott Morrison over vaccine Mandates and adverse reactions
Sen Rennick AHPRA.
I’ve sent a letter to the CEO of the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency requesting they comply with the Australian Constitution that prevents medical staff being forced to undertake tasks against their will.
This includes coercing staff into giving the Covid vaccines against their will, silencing those who have concerns about adverse events, deregistering staff who give exemptions to people with underlying health conditions or who suffered an adverse reaction to the first Covid vaccine.
Senator Rennick
Prof Nikolai Petrovsky
Prof Nikolai Petrovsky
"Its not safe" Professor Petrovsky stands up against the mrna Pfizer mrna experimental drug
(see his profile here)
Prof Petrovsky In depth.jpg
Prof. Petrovsky covid Vax , mrna spike protein explained in detail
In-depth Discussion with Professor Nikolai Petrovsky, Flinders University, SA
Professor Nikolai Petrovsky - Vaccine maker, research scientist, medical doctor, husband and father - Prof Nikolai Petrovsky his journey and understanding of SARS-CoV-2, the disease it causes, COVID-19 and the race to save lives and contribution and desire to create a safe and effective Australian vaccine
Gillian Barre from Jas.
Pfizer Mrna Vax
From Jas
“My Pfizer vaccine caused Gillian Barre and possible Neuroma (I have an MRI with dye soon)
Day 1, 2 and 3 Pfizer jab 1 vomiting, migraine, myalgia
Day 6 I stood up to go to the beach and get an ice cream and my legs collapsed underneath me. I ended up 6 days in Royal North Shore Neurology Ward.
I was sleeping on average 3hrs per night after my first shot.
Because they told me they didn’t think it was the vaccine, I went and got a second vaccine
The neurologist ignored my mention of the vaccine and said it was most likely a functional neurological disorder due to depression. I said it was definitely not depression, because I’ve had it in the past and know the signs and had felt very happy lately, sociable and organising zoom parties with my friends and going for daily walks. He said “we will let our psych team decide that”.
After one hour with the pysch team doctor there, he also confirmed I wasn’t depressed and doing quite well.
About 3 days before I left hospital the Myalgia started again, a mix of centralised, muscular and Nueropathic pain. Tingling, like I was being electrocuted with shocks through my arms and legs
Then all my symptoms got worse 1.5 hours roughly sleep per night, all my old injuries amd surgery sites were in intense pain, difficulty walking downstairs and in any elevated surface. The pain I had was intense, some nights unbearable. It’s now been about 3 months, am still recovering.
They believe that my central nervous system was already overactive due to a connective tissue disease I was born with and that the vaccine places too much pressure on my central nervous system, causing my immune system to attack parts of my body it wasn’t supposed to and cause inflammation”
Tammy Myocarditis
“I really wanted to hold off on posting this until I had a comprehensive diagnosis, but this constant barrage of ‘Get Vaccinated to Save Lives’ by the powers that be, is becoming too much for me to sit back and watch. So here is the story (so far).
On 19th October, I had my second Pfizer Vaccine. I suffered the normal aches, pains and flu like symptoms for 24 hours after that. Thinking I was out of the woods, on 22nd October, I was woken up by an intense ‘indigestion’ like pain, which further progressed into vomiting lots of pink (and later blood). I called 13 Health, who advised I go to hospital. I drove myself to hospital. As a constant reflux/heartburn sufferer, the only thing that was new was the pink vomit.
When I got to hospital, the drs began an array of different tests, which eventually indicated that my heart was suffering injury. The Dr proceeded to tell me I was about to have a heart attack. He was Wrong. My levels were on their way back down, so more than likely, I had just had a heart attack.
The next day, I celebrated (😒) my 35th Birthday in hospital. I spent a week in hospital with multiple different tests which also diagnosed an inflammation in my heart, called Myocarditis. A known side effect of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccine.
Last week alone, the TGA of Australia, recognised 60 cases of this condition, caused by these vaccines. The original stats being provided by the government were far lower than these actual figures.
There’s more to the story, but that’s to be continued, when I know it all myself
From Scott and Lyndall
“Thanks again for listening to Scott’s experience tonight. His first Pfizer shot was on 27 July and second on 18 August.
I thought I would share a link to the one overseas journal Scott’s dermatologist found when she finally diagnosed him with pityriasis rubra pilaris on 30 September. The Dr reached out to the author to find out how they were treating the condition and they compared notes.
This is normally a very rare condition and patients have it on average 3 years before it goes into remission. His skin is terribly itchy and antihistamines don’t help.
He is red and dropping flakes of skin everywhere. He has ectropian eyelids from the rash so his eyes can’t close fully and excruciatingly painful ulcerated corneas.
Thankfully he is a stay at home dad as there is no way he could have worked the last few months and he is currently trialling treatments to see what may work for him.
We are just so appreciative of you taking the time to listen to everyone’s experiences and advocate for a fair compensation scheme. We never thought this could happen and there needs to be more awareness and open discussion so that people can make informed decisions.
Kind regards
Lyndal and Scott”
Psoriasis Vax Victim Roger
This is Roger
He also has Pityriasis Rubia Pilaris as a reaction.
Not pretty but very painful.
Ingi Doyle
14 days after my second jab all hell broke lose, this is my story:
Covered up with long sleeved, loose clothing. My skin-on-bone body does not feel real in my head. But every so often, I catch an unwanted glimpse of myself in the mirror and cry. Loosing 12-14 kg of myself suddenly, is not pretty.
Monica Schmidt
Monica Schmidt
Nurses call out Mrna Adverse Events
Nurses call out Mrna Adverse Events